Monday, February 28, 2011

How to buy a flattering comfortable bra

Buying a bra is not always as straight forward a process as we would like it to be. Different brands are cut differently, some materials stretch more than others, certain styles are more flattering than others, etc. However, there are some easy guidelines that you can follow to make buying a bra an easy an enjoyable process.

Firstly, calculate your bra size. Although I have heard people use a variety of complicated formulas to make this calculation, to me the simplest way to calculate your bra size is by using a calculator such as the International Bra Size Calculator

Now that you know your bra size, you should try out different style bras to determine which is most flattering to you: strapless, full cup, racer back, push up, etc. Always take into account that if your breasts are a little on the small side, some extra padding might be preferable while if your breasts are very large, you might prefer a support bra. Also take into account your daily activities. For instance, if you exercise a lot or engage in various physical activities during your day, you might prefer a style that is comfortable and stays in place. On the other hand, if you wear a bra for a special occasion, you might then choose one that enhances what you are wearing and some bras are even meant to show under your clothes since they are beautifully made to enhance your fashion.

Lastly, do not stick to any particular brand or designer until you find the perfect fit and style that suits your taste and lifestyle. But once you do, go shopping and start building a great bra collection for every occasion. And remember, have fun doing it! Bras are a synonym of femininity and say a lot about the person wearing them.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to wear a thong

Are you tired of showing those unsightly underwear lines that make it look like you have four butt cheeks instead of two? Are you ready to look sexier? Then you are ready to wear thongs as part of your daily apparel.

Buying your first thong could be thrilling as well as intimidating. The most important thing is to start out by choosing a thong style that is comfortable and simple and try to avoid materials such as lace and microfiber which could be itchy. A plain cotton thong is probably your best bet.

It is very important to choose the correct size when buying a thong because anything too small or too big will completely ruin the fit and defeat the purpose of having a seamless and invisible lingerie look under your clothes. Do not be afraid to buy one size bigger or smaller than your regular panty size if necessary to achieve the perfect fit.

When you try on a thong for the first time, make sure to adjust its front and backsides until it feels comfortable. The thong should not feel tight. Instead, it should lay flat and feel comfortable and natural.
After you have achieved the perfect fit and feel comfortable wearing your first thong, you can then start shopping for different colors and styles. You can even venture out into buying thongs made of materials other than cotton, such as lace, microfiber, satin, silk, etc.

Also, be aware that thongs are also called g-strings so when shopping for a thong, you may see it advertised both ways.

Now, armed with your thong collection, you are ready to wear that tight dress or skirt or pants and sport your new seamless and sexy look. Enjoy!

You can begin your new thong collection HERE

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Are your eyes too small? Here's how to fix it immediately

Have you always wished to have bigger eyes that pop and add expressiveness and beauty to your face? Well, makeup makes it possible and now you can follow these easy step-by-step tips to achieve just that.

Here's how:

1. Apply white mascara or eyeliner to the inner corner of your eyes to brighten them up and make them look larger. Use your regular dark eyeliner pencil to line only the outher one third to one half of your eyes. Lining the whole eye will definitely make it appear smaller. Likewise, use ligh color or luminescent eyeshadows near the inner eyes and eyelids and darker shadows across the crease above your eyelids and make sure to blend the eyeshadow colors well.

2. Wearing false eyelashes will also greatly contribute to giving your eyes a wider look. But if this is too much work for you, you can achieve a similar effect by using an eyelash curler before applying mascara(though some makeup professionals do it after).

3.Applying a very light shade of eyeshadow to the arch just below the eyebrows will also give you an instant eye lift.

3. Also, make sure your eyebrows are perfectly manicured since the simple act of removing a few stray hairs can really help brighten up your face and give your eyes a more expressive look. You can refer to my previous blog entry: How to get the perfect eyebrows for more information on this.

So now get ready to put these easy tips in practice and flunt your brighter, bigger eyes!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to get a thinner nose without plastic surgery

Always dreamed of having a thinner nose but are not willing to go through a surgical procedure to achieve it? Now you can have a thin nose without having to go to the operating room.

Here's what you'll need to achieve your new look:

a. 2 shades of cream foundation or corrector:use a foundation or corrector 1 to 2 shades darker than your skin color and the other one brighter than your skin color

b. makeup sponges


Start out by drawing a brighter line from the bridge of your nose all the way down the center to the tip of the nose. You can make this line using a .

Then take the darker foundation or corrector and with the makeup sponge apply it alongside both sides of the nose.

To finish off, take the regular foundation that you regularly use for your skin (the one that matches your skin shade perfectly) and apply it on your face and over the lines you have drawn. However, be very careful not to erase your work: gently pad the nose area with a sponge soaked on your regular foundation to make sure the lines you drew remain intact, except you will put your own foundation over it so that the color of your whole face looks even. Yet, you will be able to see the brand new thinner nose you have just created!

Have fun showing off your new look!